This conference received the label of Side-Event of the Sommet des Deux Rives and it will be the Kick-off meeting of the HOMERe program awarded by DG HOME/ICMPD.
Conférence annuelle de HOMERe
Cette conférence est labellisée événement parallèle du Sommet des Deux Rives et elle correspond également au lancement du programme HOMERe sélectionné par la DG HOME/ICMPD.
The 3rd edition of RMEI colloquium on accreditation, MedAccrid, was held from the 24th to the 25th of april at the Ecole Polytechnique d’Oran – Maurice Audin. Mixing presentations from experts in accreditation and quality assurance with testimonies from schools that have recently obtained the EU-RACE label, the symposium enabled the graduated engineering schools to take knowledge of the main procedures of international accreditations for engineering education.
Prof Anastasia Zabaniotou will present the RMEI vision, mission and activities on SDGs with focus on gender equality ( TARGET project ) on the BUA 2019 Conference: the 5th Meeting of the Balkan Universities Association
Professor Anastadia Zabaniotou , coordinator of the Target project and leader of the gender equality working group, participated yesterday to the 1st ACT synergy conference on gender equality in Brussels where she presented the keynote entitled: The role of a network (RMEI) in community of practice development for gender equality at engineering schools of the Mediterranean region.
TARGET will contribute to the advancement of gender equality in research and innovation by supporting a reflexive gender equality policy in seven Gender Equality Innovating Institutions in the Mediterranean basin - including research performing organisations; research funding organisations and a network of universities.
Participation au Forum de Convergence ENISo-Entreprises sur le thème "Au delà des Données" : Pr. Anastasia Zabaniotou membre du Conseil d'Adiministration du Réseau Méditerranéen des Ecoles d'Ingénieurs (RMEI), a été honorée de participer au Forum de Convergence Eniso-Entreprises sous le thème «BEYOND THE DATA» à l'École Nationale des Ingénieurs de Sousse ENISo en présence de Mr. Benamara Abdelmajid Directeur Général de la Recherche Scientifique, Mr. Khalil Amiri Secrétaire d'Etat à la Recherche Scientifique et Mme. Louise de Sousa Ambassadrice du Royaume-Uni en Tunsie.