Sondages - Gender equality Survey for RMEI H2020 TARGET programme
Gender equality Survey for RMEI H2020 TARGET programme
There are 20 questions in this survey
Part 1 Informations about your university
[]Name of your University / Institution *
Please write your answer(s) here:
- Name of your institution
- Your country
- Your city
[]General information: *
Please write your answer(s) here:
- Your name:
- Your position in the university / institution:
- Your email address:
- Your phone number:
[]Are you a female or a male? *
Please choose only one of the following:
- Female
- Male
Part 2 Gender related data of your institution
If possible please provide some statistics regarding percentages of females at different levels and for different categories of human resources at your university:
IMPORTANT: If no data are available, please enter 9999 in place of the right number !
Please write your answer(s) here:
- Number of total persons in the top academic leadership team, president or rector (level 1):
- Number of women in the top academic leadership team:
- Number of total Vice-rectors (or equivalent e.g. level 2):
- Number of female Vice-rectors:
- % of women at academic management level 3 (deans):
- % of women at academic management level 4 (department heads):
If possible please provide some statistics regarding percentages of females at different levels and for different categories of human resources at your university:
IMPORTANT: If no data are available, please enter 9999 in place of the right number !
Please write your answer(s) here:
- Number of total persons at the top administrative level (general scretaries or level 1):
- Number of women at the top administrative level (level 1):
- Number of total administrative directors (financial, educational, mobility and international relations, research, ... or level 2):
- Number of female directors (level 2) :
- % of female employees below level 2:
[]Scientific staff (as of today): *
Please write your answer(s) here:
- Number of full professors:
- % of female full professors:
- Number of associate professors:
- % of female associate professors:
- Number of assistant/lecturers professors:
- % of female assistant/lecturers professors:
- Number of other scientific staff:
- % of female other scientific staff:
[]Coordinators/responsables of Research &Innovation projects at your university for 2016/2017: *
Please write your answer(s) here:
- Number of project(s) or research project(s) responsables or coordinators:
- % of female responsables or coordinators:
[]Students (academic year 2016/2017): *
Please write your answer(s) here:
- Total number of students:
- % female students
- Number of bachelor graduates
- % of female bachelors graduates:
- Number of master graduates:
- % of female master graduates:
- Number of doctoral/PhD graduates:
- % of female doctoral/PhD graduates :
Part 3 Gender equality plan and activities at your institution
[]How is the topic " Gender Equality" embedded in the organization of your university? *
Please choose only one of the following:
- There is a special organizational unit/center/committee focusing on "Gender Equality"
- “Gender Equality“ is dealt with among other issues in a unit with broader responsibilities
- There is no special organizational unit/center/committee established in my university, but a single person is dealing with gender equality only
- There is no special organizational unit/center/committee established in my university, but a single person is dealing with gender equality among other responsibilities
- There is no special unit/center/committee or person responsible for this topic.
- Other:
Make a comment on your choice here:
[]Does your university have a "Gender Equality Plan" (or equivalent)? *
Please choose only one of the following:
- Yes, there is a Gender Equality Plan. Please provide us with the web link to your plan (or equivalent) in the comment box below.
- No, there is no Gender Equality Plan
- Gender is an integrated part of the university’s human resource strategic plan
- There are plans to develop an institutional Gender Equality Plan/Strategy
- At the moment Gender Equality is not a priority topic of my university
Make a comment on your choice here:
[]Does your organization assess the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan or Strategy? Please specify which measures are used for the assessments. *
Please choose only one of the following:
- Yes
- No
Make a comment on your choice here:
[]Which of the following activities/practicies were implemented at your university in 2016 and 2017? *
Please choose all that apply:
- Specific measures and/or programmes for attracting female students to engineering studies
- Specific recruitment and promotion policies for female researchers
- Measures, including quotas, to ensure a balanced composition of females and males in your organisation's committees (e.g. involved in recruitment, appointment, career progression, or - if applicable - in evaluation of research programmes or projects)
- Flexible career trajectory (e.g. provisions to allow interruptions of career, returning schemes after career interruptions)
- Work-life-balance measures (e.g. parental leave, flexible working arrangements for researchers)
- Development of gender competence at your university (e.g. specific leadership training, gender/diversity training for top or middle management, mentoring for female researchers)
- Are there networks and groups for the development of gender competence for female researchers?
- Are there best pratices regarding the development of gender equality within your organisation ?
- Is there measures against sexual harassment?
- None
- Other:
[]Does your organisation face barriers when setting up activities/practices/measures in connection with gender issues? *
Please choose only one of the following:
- Yes
- No
[]If your organisation is facing barriers how important are the following barriers to setting up activities in connection with gender issues? Please rate accordingly *
Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:
Answer was 'Yes' at question '13 [q8]' (Does your organisation face barriers when setting up activities/practices/measures in connection with gender issues?)
Please choose all that apply:
- Barriers Important, somewhat
- Important
- Not important
- Internal resistance against implementing measures supporting gender equality
- Regulations or policies at national or regional level are not specifically supportive of achieving gender equality at universities
- Employment and/or labour law or policy at national or regional level do not allow to take action
- Lack of resources for implementing gender equality in science and technology
- Other:
[]Is there a requirement for gender diversity in appointment committees? *
Please choose only one of the following:
- Yes
- No
[]If yes, is there a rule for a minimum number or a rate of female members? *
Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:
Answer was 'Yes' at question '15 [q931]' (Is there a requirement for gender diversity in appointment committees?)
Please write your answer(s) here:
- Minimum number:
- Minimum quota (%)
[]Are there requirements for gender equality in committees' structure (promotion/evaluation/recruitment..)? *
Please choose only one of the following:
- Yes
- No
[]Which three specific "Gender Equality" initiatives of your university would you define of examples of best practices at your university? *
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:
- None initiative
- First initiative
- Second initiative
- Third initiative
Part 4 Perspectives and comments
[]What are the next steps at your université regarding "Gender Equality"?
Please write your answer here:
[]Any other comments:
Please write your answer here:
Thank you for your participation!!!
28/02/2019 – 00:00
Submit your survey.
Thank you for completing this survey.